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Orval Cronin

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2y ago
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4mo ago

Some suffixes that refer to pain include:

  1. -algia
  2. -dynia
  3. -itis (inflammation, which can cause pain)
  4. -odynia
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9y ago

Two suffixes are -ful and -less, to form the words painful and painless.

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algia- refers to pain, so this term refers to pain in/of the cervical spine ( neck pain)

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The verb form of "agony" can be "agonize," which means to suffer extreme physical or mental pain.

Types of suffixes?

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The suffixes of "absorbed" are "-ed."

All the suffixes for pain?

Pains, painful, painfully, painless, painlessly, painfulness, paining, painsome

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How many suffixes does carelessly?

Carelessly has 2 suffixes

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