The word "stitch" has five consonants.
There are five consonants in the phrase "fire drill."
There are FIVE constanants in the word Yoghurt. YoGHuRT. O and U are vowels.
There are five consonants in the word "warranty."
There are 12 vowels and 18 consonants in the Tamil alphabet. Vowels can be short or long, and consonants can be classified into five groups based on their pronunciation. Additionally, there are special letters for voiced and voiceless consonants.
There are five vowels, not five consonants.
Arena is a five letter word with 2 consonants.
The word "stitch" has five consonants.
What do I get when I cart five consonants? I + CART + FIVE = FRICATIVE
There are five consonants in the phrase "fire drill."
One thing with five pairs of ears might be a rowboat with five people inside. Another five pairs of ears might be ten ears of corn. There is no creature that has five pairs of ears.
There are five consonants in the word "beautiful." The consonants are B, T, F, L, and the blend of "th" in the middle of the word. Vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y.
There are FIVE constanants in the word Yoghurt. YoGHuRT. O and U are vowels.
There are five consonants in the word "warranty."