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For: A teleological explanation suggests that language has a specific purpose or function, such as enhancing communication or promoting social cohesion. It could help explain the complexity and efficiency of human language as a result of natural selection, as those with better language skills were more likely to survive and pass on their genes.

Against: Critics argue that a teleological explanation may oversimplify the evolution of language by attributing a single purpose to such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It may ignore other factors that could have influenced the development of language, such as cultural evolution or cognitive adaptations.

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Q: What are the arguments for and against a teleological explantion of the origin of human language?
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What are the arguments for and against English medium education for speakers of other languages?

Arguments for English medium education for speakers of other languages include increased access to global opportunities, improved communication skills, and better career prospects in industries where English is predominant. Arguments against English medium education for speakers of other languages include potential loss of cultural identity, barriers to learning due to language difficulties, and reinforcement of linguistic discrimination.

Should the us adopt English as its national language?

There are arguments for and against adopting English as the national language in the U.S. However, it is important to recognize and respect the linguistic diversity present in the country. Providing resources and support for speakers of different languages can help promote inclusivity and understanding among all citizens.

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In American Sign Language (ASL), the sign for coffee is made by forming the letter C with one hand and tapping it against the side of the cheek.

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RAC in train reservation stands for Reservation Against Cancellation. In Tamil language, RAC can be referred to as ரீசர்வேஷன் எடுப்பதற்கத் திரும்பிச் சொல்லுது.

Why are people proud of their language?

People are proud of their language because it is a core aspect of their identity, culture, and heritage. Language connects individuals to their community, roots, and history, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. It can also be a source of personal achievement and expression.

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