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1980s Slang Words
  • 411 - information
  • ace - the best
  • airhead - a stupid person
  • BFF - best friends forever
  • bangin' or bitchin' - cool or impressive
  • bomb or boss - excellent
  • couch potato - someone who sits on the sofa watching TV or playing games
  • crunk - cool or hip
  • cowabunga! - surf's up or let's go!
  • DINK - Dual Income No Kids
  • deep sh*t - really big trouble
  • dis - disrespect
  • fine - hot or sexy
  • flash - awesome
  • glam - glamorous
  • goth - same as modern usage
  • grindage - food
  • happening - hip or current
  • harsh - cold or hard
  • head-banger - fan of heavy metal music
  • hoser - loser
  • jam or jet - to leave
  • lame - uncool or boring
  • later - good-bye
  • MASH - to make-out
  • mondo - awesome
  • "most" added to adjectives, such as "most triumphant" or "most excellent"
  • narc - a tattle-tale or sell-out
  • noob - a new gamer or a dork
  • "o-rama" added to a word - makes it slang for "a whole lot of ___" such as "nerd-o-rama" or "babe-o-rama"
  • posse - friends
  • ralph - to vomit
  • righteous - awesome
  • rush or head rush - big thrill
  • schweet - sweet
  • scumbag - an undesirable person
  • shibby, shib, or sick - cool or awesome
  • 'sup - what's going on
  • tard - retard or idiot
  • veg - to chill out
  • wannabe - a "want to be" or someone who is not cool
  • Yello - hello

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2mo ago

Some popular slang words from the 1980s include "totally tubular" (meaning excellent), "gnarly" (meaning cool or awesome), "rad" (short for radical, meaning amazing), and "grody" (meaning disgusting).

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