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Never, absolutely, certainly, must, totally, more

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High modality words are language elements that convey certainty or strong belief in a statement. Examples include "certainly," "definitely," "must," "always," "impossible," and "undeniable." These words suggest conviction and minimize doubt in a message.

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Q: What are some high modality words?
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Is of course a molatily word?

No, "of course" is not a "modality word." It is an adverbial phrase used to express something that is obvious or widely accepted. "Modality words" refer to words that express certainty, possibility, necessity, permission, or ability.

What is modality in grammar?

Modality in grammar refers to the speaker's attitude or certainty towards a statement. It can indicate possibility, necessity, ability, or permission. Modal verbs such as "can," "could," "may," "might," "must," "shall," "should," "will," and "would" are commonly used to express modality.

What is used between some compound words?

A hyphen is often used between some compound words to indicate that they are to be read as a single concept. For example, "well-being" and "high-risk" are compound words that use a hyphen.

What words begin with 'high'?

11 Letter words that start with high include: highballing highbinders highbrowism highfalutin highjacking highlanders highlighted hightailing 10 Letter words that start with high include: highballed highbinder highbrowed highchairs highfliers highflyers highjacked highlander highlights highnesses hightailed highwayman highwaymen 9 Letter words that start with high include: highballs highbrows highchair highflier highflyer highjacks highlands highlifes highlight highrises highroads highspots hightails 8 Letter words that start with high include: highball highborn highboys highbred highbrow highbush highjack highland highlife highness highrise highroad highspot hightail highting hightops highways 7 Letter words that start with high include: highboy highest highted hight highs hightop highway 6 Letter words that start with high include: higher highly hight hights 5 Letter words that start with high include: highs 4 letter words high

Words that end in igh?

Some words that end in "igh" include: high, nigh, sigh, and weigh.

Related questions

How do you make a high modality sheet?

You just write some high modality words on the paper and write the meanings of those words

What are some high modality words that could be used in a debate such as schools having free dress day everyday?


What is low modality?

Low modality is a word/phrase that is more uncertain or weak. High modality is when the word is expressed more certainly and stronger. For example: Will you do this please? is low modality Do this! is high modality

What are some examples to do with high modality?

High modality is when a phrase is certain and presents a strong perspective/argument. E.g. Fact WILL NEVER BE fiction.Low modality is the opposite, conveying uncertainty and weakness.E.g. Fact MIGHT BE fiction

What is the high modality word for sad?

A high modality word for sad is Miserable. Hope this helps :)

What is modaling?

Low modality is a word/phrase that is more uncertain or weak. High modality is when the word is expressed more certainly and stronger. For example: Will you do this please? is low modality Do this! is high modality

What are some word that have the root word mod?

Some words that are formed with 'mod' are model, modern, modest, or modality.

What is the high modality word for fun?

not having fun

Is of course a molatily word?

No, "of course" is not a "modality word." It is an adverbial phrase used to express something that is obvious or widely accepted. "Modality words" refer to words that express certainty, possibility, necessity, permission, or ability.

What word's are high modality?

Example:// Definetely, Absoulutely, Impossible, Utterly....etc

What is modality in DBMS?

when a relationship is optional then the value of the modality is zero. when mandatory then the modality is one.

What is modality in software engineering?

modality provides information about the participation of a particular data object in relationship.