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10mo ago

Some examples of words with the root "bel" include "belief," "believe," and "belong."

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Q: What are some examples of the root word Bel?
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What does the root word Bel mean?


What does the root Bel mean?

it means war as a root it is also the mythological god of death

What is the Italian word for beautiful?

The singular bella or bello and the plural belle or belli are Italian equivalents of the English word "beautiful." Context makes clear whether feminine (cases 1, 3) or masculine (examples 2, 4) gender suits. The respective pronunciations will be "BEL-la" or "BEL-lo" in the singular and "BEL-ley" or "BEL-lee" in the plural in Italian.

What is the French word for the English word beautiful?

Masc: beau(x) or bel (only singular) if the word that follows begins with a vowel or a 'h' Fem: belle(s) Examples : Un bel homme, de(s) beaux hommes, un beau chien, de(s) beaux chiens, une belle femme, de(s) belles femmes.

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What does french word Bel means in English?

it means bellend flakes

What is the masculine for the Italian word 'bella'?

Bello is the masculine for the Italian word bella. The singular adjectives respectively translate into English as "handsome" and "beautiful." The respective pronunciations will be "BEL-lo" in the masculine and "BEL-la" in the feminine.

Bel or escort which is better RD?

bel bel

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'beautiful'?

Bella in the feminine and bello in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "beautiful".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. It means "beautiful, gorgeous, handsome". The pronunciation will be "BEL-la" in the feminine and "BEL-lo" in the masculine.

Where did the word decibel come from?

Deci is one-tenth. Bel is for Alexander Graham Bell.

How many syllables are in the word believeable?

There are three syllables in the word believing (sound it out: bel-ie-ving).

Is dec a Latin root?

deci- is a prefix, meaning ten. e.g. decimate - reduce by a tenth; decibel - ten Bel (unit of sound)