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14 punctuation marks in English grammar:

1. Period ( . )

2. Ellipses (...)

3. Comma ( , )

4. Semicolon ( ; )

5. Apostrophe ( ' )

6. Dash ( --- )

7. Hypen ( - )

8-9. Quotation Marks (" " ) and ( ' ')

10. Italics

Example: Can you spell wonder?

11. Parentheses ( )

12. Brackets [ ]

13. Colon ( : )

14. Slash ( /

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8mo ago

Examples of punctuation for dialogue include using quotation marks to indicate when someone is speaking ("Hello, how are you?") and using commas and periods to separate the dialogue from dialogue tags ("I'm doing well," she said.). Additionally, question marks and exclamation points can be used at the end of a sentence within dialogue to convey the appropriate tone ("Who are you?" or "Help!").

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13y ago

If you are doing the 'she said', 'he said' thing then you would use quotation marks like this:

"I'm so happy!" she squealed.

If you are saying something that some one else is saying then it would be like this:

"And then she was like, 'OMG, how cute is that guy!' and then..."

If you are just writting what the people are saying it could look like this:

Bob: Hey there Sandy!

Sandy: Oh, hey Bob!

If you don't care about who is saying what ever it may be it could look like this:

- I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

- Yeah, me too, let's go grab a bite to eat.

There are lots of different ways to express when someone is saying something. I hope this helped!

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14y ago

. (period)

?(question mark)

!(exclamation point)




All of these count as punctuation.

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8y ago

John yelled, "Fire!"
Why can't we do something fun?

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Q: What are some examples of punctuation for a dialog?
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What punctuation do you use to show dialog?

Quotation points. """

What are some examples of Level 5 punctuation?

Hyphens, brackets, semi-colons, ellipses and colons.

What are some non examples of dialog?

NON examples ...... I don't understand what you're asking. Anything that is not dialogue is a "non" example. Here are some related questions about dialogue though.

What are some examples of dialog with pictures of comics?

WikiAnswers is not a picture site. You'll have to use your search engine to find pictures.

How do you write a dialog sentence?

you start a new line then put speech marks, then the text, then a piece of punctuation then closing speech marks.

Is a full stop a dialog punctuation?

A full stop can be used at the end of a sentence in dialogue to indicate the end of a statement or sentence. It is a common punctuation mark used in writing to separate sentences and will often follow the closing quotation marks in dialogue.

What is punctuation mark in tagalog?

The Tagalog equivalent of "punctuation mark" is "tandang punctuation." Examples of punctuation marks in Tagalog are tuldok (period), kuwit (comma), tandang pandoble (quotation marks), at tandang pananong (question mark).

How do you quote dialog?

You put the quotation marks around what was said, start a new paragraph for each speaker, and put any punctuation marks inside the quotation marks.

What is a external punctuation?

There is no specific term "external punctuation," but punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to clarify meaning and separate different parts of a sentence. Examples include periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points.

Parentheses or brackets are called?

They are a form of punctuation. Here are some examples of brackets: ( ) - parentheses [ ] - brackets or square brackets { } - braces or curly brackets < > - angular brackets

What are parentheses and brackets called?

They are a form of punctuation. Here are some examples of brackets: ( ) - parentheses [ ] - brackets or square brackets { } - braces or curly brackets < > - angular brackets

In dialog what punctuation marks are put around spoken words?

When writing a dialogue, there should be quotations marks around the spoken words. An example of this would be: Then she answered, "I don't remember."