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Examples of imperative languages include Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. These languages focus on giving instructions or commands to the computer on what actions to perform. They are often used in scripting, automation, and web development.

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Q: What are some examples of imperative language?
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Can you give me some examples of some imperative sentences?


What is an example of an imperative sentences?

The term imperative means, giving an order. So some examples of an imperative sentence would be: Clean your room. Do your homework. Eat your vegetables. Don't touch that.

What is a imperative sentenenc?

Imperative sentences in the English language are the sentences that make a command or request; Get me some water. Leave that cat alone. Go to the store for me. Bring me some ice.

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Directive language is a type of language that instructs or guides others on what to do. It is characterized by clear and specific commands or requests. Examples include imperative sentences and other forms of communication that aim to lead or influence behavior.

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You will find some examples in the Wikipedia article on "Polish language".

From what language do you get the word recipe?

From the Latin recipere, "do receive", as an imperative.

Which type of language c plus plus is?

It's an imperative, procedural and Object-Oriented programming language.

What is a Imperatives?

Imperative sentences in the English language are the sentences that make a command or request; Get me some water. Leave that cat alone. Go to the store for me. Bring me some ice.

What are some examples of figurative language used in The Teachers Funeral?

Some examples of figurative language used in "The Teacher's Funeral" by Richard Peck include: "like a high school principal with a grudge," "as tall as a flagpole," and "time dragging like a cement block."

What is an imperitive sentence?

An imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives a command or makes a request. It typically ends with a period or exclamation point. Imperative sentences are commonly used in everyday language to give directions, instructions, or advice. They are straightforward and direct in their delivery. Examples include "Close the door." or "Please pass the salt."