Some compound words with the word "hill" include hillside, hilltop, and hillbilly.
Some compound words with the word "stone" in them are cornerstone, limestone, moonstone, and millstone.
Some compound words with the word "lip" in them include lipstick, lipgloss, and lip balm.
Compound words with gentle:GentlefolkGentlemanlyGentlemanGentlemenGentlewomanGentlewomen
Some compound words starting with under include:underbrushunderclothesundercookundercoverundercutunderdoneunderestimateundergoundergroundundergrowthunderdevelopedunderhandedunderlineunderlyingundermineundernourishedunderpaidunderpantsunderpinningunderplayunderperformedunderratedundershortsundershotundersideunderstandunderstateunderstoodundertakeundertowunderusedunderwear
Three such words are laptop, lapboard and lapdog.
compound words some- * sometime * somebody * something * someday * somehow * someone * someplace * somersault * somewhat * somewhere
Fallback is a compound word. Falloff and fallout are compound words.
Quicksand, quickset and quicksilver are compound words. They begin with the word quick.
a compound word beginning with cart is any word that begins with cart and has another word in it.
One such word is getaway.