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Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Nabatean, Phoenician, Syriac. There are more.

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The seven Semitic languages are: Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, Tigrinya, Aramaic, Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, and Maltese.

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Q: What are seven semetic languages?
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How do you use semetic in a sentence?

The term "Semitic" refers to a language group that includes Arabic and Hebrew. Here is an example sentence: "He studied the Semitic languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, to broaden his understanding of Middle Eastern cultures."

What language group does Greek belong to?

Greek belongs to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language family.

What are the seven main languages?

It depends on what you mean by "main language". If you mean the seven most widely spoken languages, they are:EnglishSpanishHindiRussianArabicPortugueseMandarinIf you mean the seven languages with the largest number of speakers, they are:MandarinSpanishEnglishHindi-UrduArabicBengali (Bangla)Portuguese

How many languages was the quran translated into?

The Quran has been translated into more than 100 languages worldwide.

What are the seven romance languages derived from the language of the Romans?

The Romance languages (sometimes referred to as Romanic languages, Latin languages or Neo-Latin languages) include:LatinAragoneseAromanianAsturianBergamasqueBologneseCatalanCorsican (Northern)Corsican (Southern)EmilianExtremaduranFranco-ProvençalFrenchFriulianGalicianItalianJudaeo-Spanish (Ladino)Ladin (Val Badia)LeoneseLigurianMilaneseMirandeseMozarabicNeapolitanNormanOccitanPicardPiedmontesePortugueseRomanianRomanshSardinianSicilianSpanishUmbrianVenetianWalloonOf these, the most commonly used are:CatalanFrenchItalianPortugueseRomanianRomansch (primarily in Switzerland)SpanishLatin is also widely used but not as a primary language by anyone.

Related questions

How do you use semetic in a sentence?

The term "Semitic" refers to a language group that includes Arabic and Hebrew. Here is an example sentence: "He studied the Semitic languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, to broaden his understanding of Middle Eastern cultures."

Place these languages in the order they appeared.?

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In what Place the languages in the order they appeared?

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7777777 seven seven seven seven seven seven seven that is nate's languages

What is the order of these languages roman Phoenician semitic Egyptian and greek?

1)Egyptian 2)Semetic 3)Phoenician 4)Greek 5)Roman

What language group does Greek belong to?

Greek belongs to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language family.

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What seven languages are in Western Europe England Scandinavia and Germany?

There are a lot more than seven languages spoken in Western Europe.The seven most common languages of Western Europe are:EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianSwedishDutchHere is a more extensive list of languages in Western Europe:EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianSwedishDutchDanishSwedishNorwegianIcelandicLuxembourgishIrishScottish GaelicManxWelshBasqueCatalanGalicianGreekFrisianSamiFinnishRomanschRomani

Is israel a name for early semetic god?


What are the seven main languages?

It depends on what you mean by "main language". If you mean the seven most widely spoken languages, they are:EnglishSpanishHindiRussianArabicPortugueseMandarinIf you mean the seven languages with the largest number of speakers, they are:MandarinSpanishEnglishHindi-UrduArabicBengali (Bangla)Portuguese

Who were the people of Arabia?

The... Arabs. Semetic nomad tribes.

How many languages was the quran translated into?

The Quran has been translated into more than 100 languages worldwide.