Homographs for "sow" are:
The simple present tense for "sow" is: I sow, you sow, he/she/it sows, we sow, they sow.
Yes, "hair" and "hare" are homophones, not homographs. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, while homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and pronunciations.
Some examples of homographs include: "bow" (a knot or to bend at the waist) and "wind" (air flow or to twist or coil).
No, "stamed" is not a homograph. Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and may be pronounced differently. "Stamed" does not match this definition.
* agape - wide open agape - love feast * assemble - bring together assemble- ballet movement * bow - bend, forward part of a ship bow - weapon * conduct - mode or standard of personal behavior conduct - lead, execute, manage * sow - female hog sow - plant, set in motion
The simple present tense for "sow" is: I sow, you sow, he/she/it sows, we sow, they sow.
Yes, "hair" and "hare" are homophones, not homographs. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, while homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
The farmer wanted to teach his sow to sow.
Words that are spelled the same are homographs. Cleave and sanction are homographs that have opposite meanings.
Words that have the same spelling but different meanings are called homonyms. Examples are beat (rhythm) and beat (to whip, as eggs). But this term is also (confusingly) used for words that simply have the same sound (pronunciation), such as eight and ate. These are homophones (sound alike words).If they have the same spelling, but different pronunciations, they are homographs. (written the same) such as sow (female pig) and sow (to seed), or the tenses read (pronounced reed) and read (pronounced red). Homographs require a context clue to determine how they are pronounced.There are a great number of homophones in English.(see the related question for examples)
the real answer will be: sow= snowwhat is a homonym for sow?the answer is snow
A mother cow could also be referred to as the "dam."
Sow is Pink
Homophones and homographs.
What are two examples of the homograph- palm?