Examples of analyzing questions include: "What are the key factors influencing this trend?" "How does this data support our hypothesis?" "What patterns can we identify in this set of information?" "What are the implications of this finding for our project?"
Symptomatic questions are those that reveal underlying assumptions or beliefs. Examples include "Why do you always do that?" and "Don't you think you're being unfair?" These questions often imply judgment or criticism, leading to deeper discussions about attitudes or values.
Interrogative sentences are used to ask questions. For example: "Where are you going?" "What time is it?" "How did you get here?"
High-level languages are programming languages that are closer to human language than machine code, making them easier for programmers to read, write, and maintain. Examples of high-level languages include Python, Java, C++, and Ruby.
"Where did you go yesterday?" and "Can you pass me the salt?" are examples of interrogative sentences.
EZtrieve and EZtrieve Plus are examples of a high level language that can be either compiled or run interpretive.
Examples: Algol, Cobol, Fortran, PL/I, Basic
If you are applying for a position, you will be asked questions specific to the position for which you are applying. You should answer honestly and confidently. Discuss work-related examples when you can to show your level of experience and expertise.
The term high-level refers to the amount of abstraction between the code you write and the native language of the machine. Low-level code is a symbolic code that maps 1:1 with the machine code, thus assembly is a low-level language. All other languages that employ a compiler or interpreter to create the machine code are considered high level languages. However, C and C++ are examples of high-level languages that also allow low-level programming, and are often called mid-level languages for that reason.
Other than what? See the attached link for a list.
No one ever seem to answer even basic questions on this site.
Because C is one of the high level programming languages. Other examples: Pascal, Fortran, List, JavaScript, APL
That is a pretty big jump. It is possible if the first test given was above the individuals comprehension level, such as questions with too high a level vocabulary.
Those are examples of questions. Those are examples of questions.