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Examples of asking questions include these:

  • How are you?
  • Where do you go to school?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you have children?
  • What activities do you enjoy the most?
  • Did you have fun over the weekend?
  • What did you do over the weekend?
  • What did you do on vacation?
  • Where did you go on vacation?
  • Do you know (insert name of the person)?
  • Have you met (insert name of the person)?
  • Will you go with us to the movie?
  • How many people went to the concert?
  • Who is taking you to the prom?
  • Do you like working at the pet shop?
  • Have you finished your homework?
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2mo ago

Examples of asking questions include: "What time is the meeting?" "How is your day going?" "Where is the nearest coffee shop?" "Why did you choose that option?"

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Q: What are examples of asking questions?
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The ISBN of Asking Questions is 0333662717.

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NON examples ...... I don't understand what you're asking. Anything that is not dialogue is a "non" example. Here are some related questions about dialogue though.

Does this site charge you for asking questions?

no this site does not charge you for asking questions.

How many pages does Asking Questions have?

Asking Questions has 282 pages.

When was Asking Questions created?

Asking Questions was created on 1996-01-01.

Should you stop asking questions?

Never, ever stop asking questions . . .. unless somebody will smack you for asking them.

What questions are you born asking?

3 questions we are born asking: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going?

What are some examples of a diabetes diet?

Examples of diabetes diet are the ones listed by your doctors. Going to your doctor and discussing this topic and asking questions can help you find examples of diabetes diet. Or just find people who have diabetes and ask them their diet.