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There are around 72 common varieties of trees in India examples are; Indian almond, jujube tree, coconut palm, gulmohar and java plum. The banyan and sacred fig trees are considered sacred in Hinduism so would not be cut down.

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When trees are cut down, it can lead to environmental problems like soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and disruption of the ecosystem. Additionally, deforestation can contribute to climate change by reducing the planet's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

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Q: What are disadvantages of cutting trees in Hindi language?
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How do you write an essay about trees in Hindi?

To write an essay about trees in Hindi, start by outlining the main points you want to cover, such as the importance of trees, different types of trees, their benefits to the environment, and ways to protect them. Then, organize your thoughts into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use simple language and descriptive adjectives to make your essay engaging and informative. Practice writing in Hindi to improve your skills and create a well-structured and cohesive essay.

Is there an essay of cutting of trees in Hindi?

हां, हिंदी में पेड़ों के काटने पर निबंध (Essay on Cutting of Trees) उपलब्ध है। यह निबंध पेड़ों के महत्व और उनके काटने के प्रभाव पर चर्चा करता है और प्रकृति के साथ हमारे संबंध के महत्व को उजागर करता है।

What is the original language of the word jungle?

The word "jungle" originates from the Hindi word, "jangal," which means uncultivated land or wilderness. It entered the English language in the 18th century through colonial interactions with India.

Importance of Trees In Hindi Language?

पेड़ों का महत्व विशेष है क्योंकि वे हमें ऑक्सीजन उपलब्ध कराते हैं, वायुमंडल को प्रदूषण से प्रतिरोधक बनाते हैं, वातावरण को सुंदर बनाते हैं, और जल संचयन की मदद करते हैं। इसके साथ ही, पेड़ों से हमें फल, लकड़ी और औषधीय गुण भी प्राप्त होते हैं।

Translate this in Hindi what is the importance of trees?

"Pedon ka mahatv kya hai."

Related questions

Why should we cut trees in Hindi?

It is not necessary to cut trees in Hindi, you can do so in any language.

What are advantages and disadvantages of housing?

the disadvantages is that making space for houses means cutting down trees this means the natural habibtat is distroyed

What are the advantages and disadvantages of housing?

the disadvantages is that making space for houses means cutting down trees this means the natural habibtat is distroyed

Where do you find articles written in Hindi about advantages of planting trees?

U can change the language in google

How do you write an essay about trees in Hindi?

To write an essay about trees in Hindi, start by outlining the main points you want to cover, such as the importance of trees, different types of trees, their benefits to the environment, and ways to protect them. Then, organize your thoughts into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use simple language and descriptive adjectives to make your essay engaging and informative. Practice writing in Hindi to improve your skills and create a well-structured and cohesive essay.

Is there an essay of cutting of trees in Hindi?

हां, हिंदी में पेड़ों के काटने पर निबंध (Essay on Cutting of Trees) उपलब्ध है। यह निबंध पेड़ों के महत्व और उनके काटने के प्रभाव पर चर्चा करता है और प्रकृति के साथ हमारे संबंध के महत्व को उजागर करता है।

What language do trees speak?

They don't have mouths. only animals, fish, birds and the like talk, but some trees can communicate

What will you say if you see people cutting trees?

"Hello, people cutting trees!"

How can you reduce cutting trees?

== solution of cutting trees: 1st== what do you mean by that? the soulution of cutting trees is to make them..... INTO MULCH!! or wait for the garbage man to come pick them up. =] Your Welcome~ ===

what will you say if you see some people cutting trees for lumber?

"Hi, people cutting trees for lumber!"

Is cutting of trees by man a great help to the environment?

Cutting of trees by man is not a great help to the environment and is often considered to be detrimental to the environment. Cutting of trees can lead to the erosion and destruction of soil.

How does the clear cutting logging method differ from selective cutting?

Clear cutting, is the process by cutting down all the trees in an area at once. and selective cutting is when they cut down only some trees in a forest and leaving a mix of tree sizes and species behind. Clear cutting is cutting down everything at once. and selective cutting is cutting down only some trees!