

Best Answer

14 p


n marks i

n E

nglish grammar


1. Period ( . )

2. Ellipses (...)

3. Comma ( , )

4. Semicolo

n ( ; )

5. Apostrophe ( ' )

6. Dash ( --- )

7. Hype

n ( - )

8-9. Quotatio

n Marks (" " ) a

nd ( ' ')

10. Italics

Example: Ca

n you spellwo


11. Pare

ntheses ( )

12. Brackets [ ]

13. Colo

n ( : )

14. Slash ( / )

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11y ago
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11y ago

Here's the list ofnot o

nly 7 but

14 p


n marks i

n E

nglish grammar


1. Period ( . )

2. Ellipses (...)

3. Comma ( , )

4. Semicolo

n ( ; )

5. Apostrophe ( ' )

6. Dash ( --- )

7. Hype

n ( - )

8-9. Quotatio

n Marks (" " ) a

nd ( ' ')

10. Italics

Example: Ca

n you spellwo


11. Pare

ntheses ( )

12. Brackets [ ]

13. Colo

n ( : )

14. Slash ( / )

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2mo ago
  1. Period (.)
  2. Comma (,)
  3. Question mark (?)
  4. Exclamation point (!)
  5. Colon (:)
  6. Semicolon (;)
  7. Quotation marks (" ")
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15y ago

The period (.), the comma (,), the apostrophe ('), the colon (:), the sem-colon (;), the question mark (?), and the exclamation point (!).

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14 punctuation marks in English grammar:1. Period ( . ) 2. Ellipses (...)3. Comma ( , )4. Semicolon ( ; )5. Apostrophe ( ' )6. Dash ( --- )7. Hypen ( - )8-9. Quotation Marks (" " ) and ( ' ')10. ItalicsExample: Can you spellwonder?11. Parentheses ( )12. Brackets [ ]13. Colon ( : )14. Slash ( / )

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Name 14 punctuations in English grammar?

14 p unctuatio n marks i n E nglish grammar : 1. Period ( . ) 2. Ellipses (...) 3. Comma ( , ) 4. Semicolo n ( ; ) 5. Apostrophe ( ' ) 6. Dash ( --- ) 7. Hype n ( - ) 8-9. Quotatio n Marks (" " ) a nd ( ' ') 10. Italics Example: Ca n you spellwo nder? 11. Pare ntheses ( ) 12. Brackets [ ] 13. Colo n ( : ) 14. Slash ( / )

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