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A few to start this off - volunteer, voluntary, volition, involuntary (2 suffixes for the price of 1), volunteering, volunteered, voluntarily

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4mo ago
  1. Benevolent
  2. Devolve
  3. Revolt
  4. Volition
  5. Convolve
  6. Involve
  7. Evolve
  8. Revolve
  9. Absolve
  10. Envolvement
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Q: What are 10 words with the suffix vol in it that means will?
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To make a 10 vol peroxide solution from a 40 vol peroxide solution, you would need to dilute the 40 vol peroxide solution by adding three parts water for every part of the 40 vol peroxide solution. For example, mix 1 part 40 vol peroxide with 3 parts water to achieve a 10 vol peroxide solution.

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Is there a kitchen princess vol11?

There is no Vol. 11 because it ends in vol. 10 ch. 47. I wish there is one.

Can you make 20 vol peroxide from 30 vol and 10 vol?

You can easily make 20 vol from 30 by mixing it with 33.3% distilled water, but I wouldn't try making 20 vols from 10 unless you have a laboratory and the correct equipment to distill accurately. One can also use equal parts of 30 vol and 10 vol. You can easily use two identical glasses and eye out equal amounts. Add them together. Viola. Peroxide is unstable so be sure to store your new concentration peroxide in a capped brown plastic bottle. Also be sure to label it 20 vol.

Can you give 10 examples of ous words?

Ten words using the suffix 'ous' are:atrociousdesirousfamousludicrouslusciousmarvelousnervousporouspreciousvicious

What is the volume of a cube that measures 10cmX10cm10cm?

Vol = 10*10*10 = 1000 cm3 = 1 Litre

Give the epochs into which US History is divided in 1895?

10 Volumes Vol. I: Voyages of Discovery and Early Explorations: 1000 A.D.-1682 Vol. II: The Planting of the First Colonies: 1562-1733 Vol. III: The French War and the Revolution: 1745-1782 Vol. IV: The Early Years of the Republic: 1784-1811 Vol. V: The War of 1812 and After: 1812-1828 Vol. VI: The Jacksonian Period: 1828-1840 Vol. VII: Slavery and the Mexican War: 1840-1860 Vol. VIII: The Election of Lincoln and the Civil War: 1860-1865 Vol. IX: The Reconstruction Period: 1865-1877 Vol X: Our Own Recent Times: 1877-1911

I have blonde hair and I want to color it dark brown what level of peroxide do I use 10 vol or 20 vol?

10 anytime your going darker unless you looking for gray coverage, then 20