4-letter words
aped, oped, peds, sped
5-letter words
biped, caped, coped, doped, duped, gaped, hoped, hyped, imped, japed, loped, moped, pedal, pedes, pedro, piped, raped, riped, roped, siped, taped, toped, typed, umped, upped, wiped
6-letter words
aliped, beeped, bipeds, bopped, bumped, burped, camped, capped, carped, cleped, comped, cooped, copped, couped, craped, creped, cupped, cusped, damped, dapped, dipped, draped, dumped, dupped, eloped, fopped, gapped, gasped, gawped, gimped, gipped, griped, groped, gulped, gypped, happed, harped, hasped, heaped, helped, hipped, hooped, hopped, humped, impede, jauped, jeeped, jumped, kelped, kepped, kipped, lamped, lapped, leaped, limped, lipped, lisped, looped, lopped, louped, lumped, mapped, mopeds, mopped, mumped, napped, nipped, pedals, pedant, pedate, peddle, pedlar, pedler, pedros, peeped, pepped, pimped, pipped, pooped, popped, pulped, pumped, pupped, ramped, rapped, rasped, reaped, repped, ripped, romped, rouped, sapped, scaped, seeped, shaped, sipped, sliped, sloped, sniped, soaped, sopped, souped, stiped, stoped, supped, swiped, tamped, tapped, tipped, topped, tupped, vamped, wapped, warped, wisped, yapped, yauped, yawped, yelped, yipped, zapped, zipped
7-letter words
alipeds, bipedal, bleeped, blipped, blooped, champed, chapped, cheeped, chipped, chirped, chomped, chopped, chumped, clamped, clapped, clasped, clipped, clomped, clopped, clumped, cramped, crapped, crimped, crisped, cropped, crumped, dripped, drooped, dropped, escaped, flapped, flipped, flopped, flumped, frapped, galoped, glopped, grasped, gripped, grouped, grumped, impeded, impeder, impedes, knapped, knopped, outsped, pedagog, pedaled, pedants, peddled, peddler, peddles, pedicab, pedicel, pedicle, pedlars, pedlary, pedlers, pedlery, pedocal, plopped, plumped, popedom, prepped, primped, propped, quipped, retaped, retyped, scalped, scamped, scarped, scooped, scraped, sculped, sharped, shipped, shopped, skelped, skimped, skipped, slapped, slipped, slopped, slumped, slurped, snapped, sneaped, snipped, snooped, stamped, steeped, stepped, stomped, stooped, stopped, striped, stumped, swamped, swapped, swooped, swopped, taliped, thumped, torpedo, tramped, trapped, tripped, tromped, trooped, trouped, trumped, unhoped, unroped, usurped, whapped, wheeped, whelped, whipped, whomped, whooped, whopped, whumped, wrapped, ycleped
8-letter words
becapped, bedraped, beleaped, bishoped, cirriped, decamped, dognaped, dolloped, encamped, equipped, escarped, estopped, expedite, filliped, fissiped, galloped, gazumped, gossiped, hiccuped, impeders, impeding, kidnaped, larruped, lolloped, milleped, milliped, mistyped, multiped, pedagogs, pedagogy, pedalfer, pedalier, pedaling, pedalled, pedantic, pedantry, pedately, peddlers, peddlery, peddling, pederast, pedestal, pedicabs, pedicels, pedicled, pedicles, pedicure, pediform, pedigree, pediment, pedipalp, pedocals, pedology, peduncle, pinniped, plumiped, popedoms, pretaped, pretyped, recapped, recouped, redipped, remapped, repumped, reshaped, revamped, scrapped, scrimped, scrooped, shlepped, shlumped, shrimped, stampede, stapedes, strapped, stripped, stropped, talipeds, threaped, threeped, tittuped, torpedos, tripedal, uncapped, undamped, undraped, unhelped, unmapped, unripped, unshaped, untapped, untipped, unwarped, unzipped, upheaped, upleaped, walloped
9-letter words
backpedal, barhopped, beclasped, bethumped, bewrapped, bipedally, catnapped, centipede, chelipeds, chirruped, cirripeds, developed, dewlapped, dognapped, enclasped, entrapped, enveloped, enwrapped, escaloped, expedient, expedited, expediter, expedites, expeditor, fissipeds, gossipped, hiccupped, impedance, inclasped, inclipped, insculped, inwrapped, joypopped, kidnapped, lespedeza, millepeds, millipede, millipeds, misshaped, mudcapped, multipeds, outjumped, outleaped, outyelped, overhoped, overhyped, overpedal, pedagogic, pedagogue, pedalfers, pedaliers, pedalling, pederasts, pederasty, pedestals, pediatric, pedicured, pedicures, pedigreed, pedigrees, pediments, pedipalps, pedlaries, pedleries, pedocalic, pedogenic, pedologic, pedometer, pedophile, peduncled, peduncles, petnapped, pinnipeds, plumipeds, preshaped, quadruped, reclasped, regrouped, reshipped, restamped, rewrapped, riprapped, scalloped, schlepped, schlumped, scolloped, stampeded, stampeder, stampedes, stapedial, tittupped, torpedoed, torpedoes, unclamped, unclasped, unclipped, uncropped, ungrouped, unimpeded, unshipped, unsnapped, unstepped, unstopped, unwrapped, uppropped, upstepped, worshiped
10-letter words
airdropped, backpedals, bipedalism, bipedality, centipedes, cyclopedia, cyclopedic, diapedeses, diapedesis, escalloped, expedience, expediency, expedients, expediters, expediting, expedition, expeditors, impedances, impediment, interloped, karyotyped, kinescoped, kneecapped, landscaped, lespedezas, maxilliped, millipedes, misstopped, orthopedic, outcropped, outdropped, outscooped, outtrumped, overheaped, overlapped, overleaped, overpedals, overpumped, oversupped, overtipped, overtopped, pedagogics, pedagogies, pedagogues, pedantries, peddleries, pederastic, pedestaled, pedestrian, pediatrics, pediatrist, pediculate, pediculous, pedicuring, pedicurist, pedimental, pedimented, pedologies, pedologist, pedometers, pedophiles, pedophilia, pedophilic, peduncular, prestamped, prewrapped, quadrupeds, reequipped, ropedancer, sideswiped, snowcapped, stampeders, stampeding, stenotyped, superhyped, telescoped, torpedoing, unpedantic, unstrapped, velocipede, videotaped, wiretapped, worshipped
11-letter words
backdropped, backpedaled, backslapped, backstopped, bipedalisms, blacktopped, bullwhipped, codeveloped, crowstepped, cyclopedias, cypripedium, expediences, expediently, expeditions, expeditious, handicapped, hedgehopped, impedimenta, impediments, inexpedient, interlapped, livetrapped, maxillipeds, orthopedics, orthopedist, outstripped, overcropped, overpedaled, overslipped, overstepped, overtrumped, paradropped, pedagogical, pederasties, pedestaling, pedestalled, pedestrians, pediatrists, pedicellate, pediculates, pediculoses, pediculosis, pedicurists, pedogeneses, pedogenesis, pedogenetic, pedological, pedologists, pedophiliac, pedophilias, pedunculate, photomapped, quadrupedal, redeveloped, ropedancers, ropedancing, sideslipped, sidestepped, stereotyped, transhipped, transshaped, underlapped, undeveloped, velocipedes
12-letter words
backpedaling, backpedalled, bipedalities, bootstrapped, carrottopped, cypripediums, eavesdropped, electrotyped, encyclopedia, encyclopedic, expediencies, expediential, fellowshiped, fluoroscoped, horsewhipped, inexpedience, inexpediency, intercropped, misdeveloped, mousetrapped, orthopedists, overequipped, overpedaling, overpedalled, pedantically, pedestalling, pediatrician, pedunculated, relandscaped, ropedancings, sharecropped, stapedectomy, transshipped
13-letter words
backpedalling, encyclopedias, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, expeditionary, expeditiously, fellowshipped, fieldstripped, inexpediences, inexpediently, overdeveloped, overpedalling, pedagogically, pedestrianism, pediatricians, pediculosises
14-letter words
counterstepped, daguerreotyped, encyclopedisms, encyclopedists, inexpediencies, nonhandicapped, orthopedically, parallelepiped, pedestrianisms, sesquipedalian, stapedectomies, underdeveloped
15-letter words
expeditiousness, parallelepipeds
16-letter words
encyclopedically, multihandicapped
17-letter words
There are two meanings for the root 'ped'. 'Ped' from Greek takes a winding path to the word meaning 'boy', which is why we have 'pediatrician', 'pedagogue', 'pedantry', 'pedophile', and 'pedotrophy'. 'Ped' from Latin is derived from the word for foot, giving us words like 'pedestrian', 'pedometer', 'pedal', 'pedigerous', and 'pedomotive'.
"Ped" is the root for many compound words about feet. For example, bipedal is the prefix bi- plus the root word ped and the suffix -al.
the root ped or pod means foot.e.g.bipedtripodpedalpodiatrist aka chiropodistpedometerpedicurecentipedearthropodOk ped means foot and pod means foot i hope that helped!!Answered by:peacelove2622 ( the top one was no my answer with the dots )
The root word for "ped" is the Latin word "pes" which means "foot."
Yes, the word "pedestrian" does have a prefix. The prefix in "pedestrian" is "ped-" which means foot or on foot.
The morpheme "ped" typically conveys the meaning of foot or feet in these words.
"Ped" is the root for many compound words about feet. For example, bipedal is the prefix bi- plus the root word ped and the suffix -al.
the root ped or pod means foot.e.g.bipedtripodpedalpodiatrist aka chiropodistpedometerpedicurecentipedearthropodOk ped means foot and pod means foot i hope that helped!!Answered by:peacelove2622 ( the top one was no my answer with the dots )
Some words that have the English root ped meaning child in them are pediatric, pediatrician and pedophile. Others include podiatrist, podiatry, pedobaptist and pedocracy.
The root word for "ped" is the Latin word "pes" which means "foot."
The root ped has two meanings, one in Greek and the other is Latin. Ped in greek means child, as in pedagogy or pediatrics, while in Latin it means foot, as in pedestrian or pedal
The root of the word quadruped is ped, which is the latin root word for foot.
Yes, the word "pedestrian" does have a prefix. The prefix in "pedestrian" is "ped-" which means foot or on foot.
The root word of pedal is "ped" meaning foot. In the medical field the word "pedal" means of or pertaining to the foot.Answerthe root word of Pedal is ped or pod. This means foot, as mentioned above. Word examples are: pedal, pedometer, centipede, gastropod.
The morpheme "ped" typically conveys the meaning of foot or feet in these words.
Pedis is the latin word for foot.