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The subject of a sentence answers the question "what" or "whom." It refers to the person or thing that is performing the action or being described in the sentence.

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Q: What answers the question what or whom in a sentence?
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What questions do the accusative and genetive cases answer?

The accusative case answers the question "whom?" or "what?" in relation to the direct object of a sentence. The genitive case answers the question "whose?" or "of whom?" to show possession or relationship between nouns.

What tells to whom or for whom the action is done?

The indirect object in a sentence tells to whom or for whom the action is being done. It usually answers the question "to whom" or "for whom." For example, in the sentence "I gave her a book," "her" is the indirect object indicating to whom the action of giving is done.

What is the object of this sentence?

The object of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. It answers the question "what" or "whom" the verb is acting upon.

Which word in the sentence is a direct object?

In the sentence, the direct object is the word that receives the action of the verb. It typically answers the question "what" or "whom."

What answers whom or what?

The answer to "what" is a thing.The answer to "whom" is a person.The pronoun "whom" functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.The corresponding pronoun "who" functions as the subject of sentence or a clause.The pronoun "what" functions as a subject or an object in a sentence.

What part of speech answers what or whom?

The part of speech that answers "what" or "whom" in a sentence is a pronoun. Pronouns are words like "he," "she," "it," "they," "who," and "what" that replace nouns in a sentence.

What function of object in sentence?

An object in a sentence typically receives the action of the verb. It answers the question "what" or "whom." In a sentence like "She bought a book," "book" is the object as it is what she bought.

Find the indirect object of this sentences. Sally threw Michelle a birthday pary after the ballgame?

The indirect object in your sentence is Michelle. (It answers the question to whom or for whom.)

What does answers what or whom mean?

"Answers what" refers to providing information or clarification about a topic or question, while "answers whom" refers to identifying the person or entity that is the subject of a question.

What are indirect objects?

A noun that answers the question "To Whom?" ot "To What?" or "For Whom?" or "For What?"

What Answers the question whom or what?

an indirect object

What is the Greek definition of whom?

Whom = ος / η / ο . Hope that answers your question.