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Parallel phrases or a series of words can help emphasize key points, create rhythm, and make information easier for the audience to follow in public speaking. They enhance the structure and flow of a speech, making it more engaging and memorable for the listeners.

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Q: Using parallel phrases or a series of words is used in public speaking.?
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What parallel phrase or series of words is used in public speaking?

Anaphora is a common rhetorical device in public speaking where a parallel phrase or series of words is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences for emphasis and impact. This technique helps to reinforce key points and capture audience attention.

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Parallel construction means that you begin each paragraph with key repeated words and phrases. In sentences, it is created by using words, phrases, and clauses that are in an equivalent series.

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There are four types of circuit: series, parallel, series-parallel, and complex.

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"He enjoys playing tennis, swimming, and running." The phrases "playing tennis," "swimming," and "running" are parallel because they are all gerunds (verbs ending in -ing) that serve as items in the list.

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They are parallel, or at least you HOPE they are parallel.

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A series circuit is actually in series, but a parallel circuit, is Parallel

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A Refrigerator is technically a series because if one wire goes out all of the others go out

How is Parallel language structure used?

Items in a series, coordinating ideas, and repetition

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A resistance 'network' consists of a number of resistors connected together in series, or in parallel, or in series-parallel, or as a complex circuit. A 'complex' circuit is one that is not series, parallel, or series-parallel.

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A resistance 'network' consists of a number of resistors connected together in series, or in parallel, or in series-parallel, or as a complex circuit. A 'complex' circuit is one that is not series, parallel, or series-parallel.

Types of electrical circuit?

Series and parallelImproved AnswerThere are four categories of circuit: series, parallel, series-parallel, and complex. 'Complex' is a 'catch-all', used to describe circuits that are not series, parallel, or series-parallel. An example of a 'complex' circuit is a Wheatstone Bridge circuit.