"It was not the slow, rhythmic pealing that announced canoncial hours, but a strident, urgent clamor, a call to important news." Quote taken from the book Crispin.
The strident sound of the alarm jolted everyone awake.
Her strident voice could be heard from across the room as she passionately made her point.
The strident consonant is significant in phonetics because it is produced with a high-pitched, noisy sound. This impacts the pronunciation of words by adding emphasis and clarity to certain sounds, making them easier to distinguish and understand.
use ize in sentence
The nouns are form and foe.The word strident is an adjective, a word that describes a noun.The noun form is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word forthe shape and structure of something; a word for a thing. (The word form is also a verb: form, forms, forming, formed)The noun foe is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an enemy or opponent; a word for a person.
I can't work because of that disturbing strident voice of my neighbors.
as the flames grew higher, we heard a strident call for help.
a strident tone in his writings.
The strident sound of the alarm jolted everyone awake.
Her strident voice could be heard from across the room as she passionately made her point.
The student had a strident tone to his writing.
today's strident feminists would have been persecuted as witches centuries ago
Loud, deafening, ear-splitting, piercing, raucous, strident, boisterous
i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)
So- you are asking when to use 'when' in a sentence. When you are asking how to use when in a question, you are already using when in a sentence, because a question actually is a sentence. I like to use when in a sentence whenever I like.
How do use evidenced in a sentence