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It is more likely that a person would speak Spanish than any language other than English

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Q: Use Table 3 of the reading to answer this question?
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What word do these 3 words have in common table dog and spinning?

The word they have in common is "round." A table can be round, a dog can run in circles, and spinning refers to a circular motion.

How do you identify prepositional phrases?

A prepositional phrase usually starts with a preposition (e.g., in, on, at) and is followed by a noun or pronoun, called the object of the preposition. It provides additional information about the subject or object of a sentence. To identify a prepositional phrase, look for a preposition followed by its object.

How do you say Samuel in Chinese?

Not all English (or foreign) names have an equivalent in the Chinese Language.Just use the English reading when in doubt, otherwise the Chinese phonetic translation may lead to unintended humourous results.However, some common translations are:Samuel --> 塞缪尔 sai(4) miao(4) er(3)Samuel --> 萨缪尔 sa(4) miao(4) er(3)Sam --> 萨姆 sa(4) mu(3)Sam --> 山姆 san(1) mu(3)

Hindi comprehension for grade 3?

Hindi comprehension for grade 3 typically includes reading short passages or stories in Hindi and answering questions to test understanding of the text. Students may be asked to identify main ideas, details, characters, and events, as well as make inferences or predictions based on the text. It is a way to develop reading skills and comprehension in Hindi language.

Can you give 5 example of singular noun?

1. Goose 2. Table 3. Cat 4. Dog 5. Telephone

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