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Q: Transcribe the following sentences
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The antonym for "transcribe" is "dictate".

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The sentences you make, someone can follow with words

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To transcribe and translate the normal and sickle cell DNA you need to do the following: transcribe into RNA normal: ccc gaa gaa aaa sickle: ccc gua gaa aaa Then look in codon table normal Proline Glutamtatic acid Glutamtatic acid Lysine sicke Proline Valine Glutamtatic acid Lysine

How do you use transcribe in a sentence?

To transcribe is to write down or record; to translate-Shiro Imosakawi (I'm Japanese)

What part of speech is transcribe?

The word transcribe is a verb. The past tense is transcribed.

Use transcribe in a sentence?

I recorded the interview and I'll transcribe it on paper tonight.

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I only

Which of the following is a part of preview?

Writing topic sentences.

What is the Hebrew word for transcribe?

to transcribe = titek (תִּעְתֵּק)

How do you use transcribe in sentence?

To transcribe means to write down or type out spoken words, often to create a written record or document of what was said. For example, a reporter might transcribe an interview to have a written version of the conversation.