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Her head waggled as she struggled with the complex question. The flagpole waggled in the heavy wind.

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9mo ago

The bird began to waggle its tail back and forth.

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Q: To make a sentence of waggle?
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What is a sentence for the word 'waggle'?

It's not easy to get an airplane pilot to waggle his craft's wings- but it can be done! Seeing a bunny rabbit waggle its ears always makes me smile.

What is a waggle?

A waggle is a series of short, quick motions from side to side.

What rhymes with waggle?

Some words that rhyme with "waggle" are "boggle," "goggle," and "toggle."

How do bees use the waggle dance?

bees use the waggle dance when they are chasing other bees.

What does the honey bee waggle dance look like?

Every dance is different, just as every sentence in every language is different. Basically, its not so much of a dance as it is a coordinated movement in a specific pattern. 2. See related link below to a video of the 'Waggle Dance' .

What is the past form for waggle?


Why do cats waggle there tails?

Because they are excited

What does the honey bees waggle dance mean?

If the food is a long way off the be does a waggle dance. This dance points out the direction of the foodand the distance from the hive it can be found.

Who is bill waggle dagger?

There is no known public figure or well-known individual by the name of Bill Waggle Dagger. It is possible that this name is fictional or not widely recognized.

What is the number to wiggle waggle for dogs?

get me your number now

What is the movement of bee?

You might be thinking of the 'waggle dance'.

What is a waggle dance?

A waggle dance is a dance in the form of a figure eight performed by a honey bee in order to communicate the direction and distance of patches of flowers or water sources.