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The system of human communication based on arbitrary symbols is called language. Language allows people to convey meaning through spoken, written, or signed symbols that have agreed-upon definitions within a specific cultural context.

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Q: The system of human communication based on arbitrary symbols is called?
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Describe any other communication system that like language consists of arbitrary symbols?

Musical notation is a communication system that consists of arbitrary symbols representing sound frequencies and durations. It allows musicians to communicate complex musical compositions across time and space through written sheet music. This system relies on agreed-upon conventions to convey specific musical elements, much like how language uses arbitrary symbols to represent concepts and meanings.

What is bloch's ande targer's definition of language?

Bloch and Trager define language as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols that are used for human communication. They view language as a rule-governed system with a finite set of elements that can be combined to produce an infinite array of meaningful utterances.

What is the defition of language?

Language is a system of communication that uses symbols, sounds, or gestures to convey meaning. It allows individuals to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions, as well as to interact with others. Language can be spoken, written, or signed.

One thing that all languages have is?

A system of communication with symbols or sounds to convey meaning.

How are symbols used in your writing system?

Symbols in my writing system are used to represent specific sounds or concepts. Each symbol has a unique meaning that helps convey information in a succinct and standardized way. These symbols are combined to form words and sentences, allowing for effective communication through written language.

Related questions

Describe any other communication system that like language consists of arbitrary symbols?

Musical notation is a communication system that consists of arbitrary symbols representing sound frequencies and durations. It allows musicians to communicate complex musical compositions across time and space through written sheet music. This system relies on agreed-upon conventions to convey specific musical elements, much like how language uses arbitrary symbols to represent concepts and meanings.

Can you explain what language means in one sentence?

Language is the communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.

What is bloch's ande targer's definition of language?

Bloch and Trager define language as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols that are used for human communication. They view language as a rule-governed system with a finite set of elements that can be combined to produce an infinite array of meaningful utterances.

What is arbitrary system?

A system that a middlist is judging is called Arbitary system.

What are the two aspect of communication?

The two aspects of communication are verbal, which involves the use of words to convey messages, and nonverbal, which includes gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Both aspects play a crucial role in how messages are understood and interpreted by others.

A system that combines arbitrary symbols to produce an infinite number of meaningful staement?

Sounds like you're trying to define Algebra.

What is the defition of language?

Language is a system of communication that uses symbols, sounds, or gestures to convey meaning. It allows individuals to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions, as well as to interact with others. Language can be spoken, written, or signed.

Is the process of sharing information by using a system of symbols to send and receive messages?


What do you mean by communication?

Communication (Noun): a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior ; also : exchange of information

What was Sequoyah's system of syllable symbols called?

Because the symbols he invented stood for syllables rather than for individual letters, Sequoyah's system was called a "syllabary".

Why is language defined as an arbitrary system of vocal symbols?

Human languages are arbitrary by nature: There is no reason why a furry domestic animal that purrs should be called cat, and not blop or fleechtafly.The fact that different languages use different words to describe the same thing is, in itself, a proof of arbitrariness.Grammatical structures are just as arbitrary; for instance, the English language uses mainly a subject-verb-object structure while the German language puts verbs at the end of the sentence, etc.

One thing that all languages have is?

A system of communication with symbols or sounds to convey meaning.