In the Spanish language, the word "letra" is a feminine noun which translates into the English language to mean letter, handwriting, lettering or lyrics.
"Letra" is a Spanish word that means "lyrics" in English, while "Spanish" refers to the language itself. "Spanish" is the language spoken by over 460 million people worldwide, and "letra" specifically refers to the words within a song or a poem.
The Spanish word "ser" means "to be" in English.
The Spanish word "venir" means "to come" in English.
The Spanish word "envío" translates to "shipment" or "delivery" in English.
The Spanish word 'linda' translates to 'beautiful' or 'cute' in English.
"Letra" is a Spanish word that means "lyrics" in English, while "Spanish" refers to the language itself. "Spanish" is the language spoken by over 460 million people worldwide, and "letra" specifically refers to the words within a song or a poem.
The Spanish word "ser" means "to be" in English.
The Spanish word "venir" means "to come" in English.
The Spanish word "mariposa" means "butterfly" in English.
The spanish word aqua means water in english...
Trabuco means "Musket" in English It is a Spanish word
was means (era ) in spanish
About 40% of the words in English have a Spanish cognate. This means that the English word has a similar Spanish word, such as "accident" (English) and "accidente" (Spanish).
The Spanish word "envío" translates to "shipment" or "delivery" in English.
The Spanish word 'linda' translates to 'beautiful' or 'cute' in English.
The Spanish word "la semana" means "the week" in English.