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Yes, "Federal Prosecutor" should be capitalized when referring to the official title of the position.

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Q: Should you capitalize federal prosecutor
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Do you capitalize the word federal in federal Centers for Medicaid?

Yes, It should be Federal Centers for Medicaid.

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Should a prosecutor have direct access to an criminal intelligence database?

No, only federal agents and police officers. Now, if the prosecutor has perismission from the government (local, state or federal), than its okay.

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Yes, you should capitalize "Federal Law" as it refers to the specific legal system or statutes established at the national level by the government.

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The federal prosecutor's supervisor's opinion should be the opinion that counts. "The boss may not always be right, but the boss is always boss."

When do you capitalize the word federal?

You only capitalize it if it is part of a proper noun. The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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Do you capitalize federal judge?

No, they are not proper nouns.

What type of degree do you need to be a federal prosecutor?

Law degree.

When do you capitalize federal service?

Federal service should be capitalized when it is used as part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence. For example: "She has worked for the Federal Service for five years" or "The Federal Service is responsible for administering social security benefits."

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Should you capitalize century in 21st century?

Yes, you should capitalize the C in Century.