Tradition is typically not capitalized unless it is in the title of a specific tradition or when it is the first word in a sentence.
Yes, the word "Evangelical" should be capitalized when referring to the Evangelical Christian movement or tradition.
Yes, "Local Park" should be capitalized because it is a proper noun.
Yes, "Football" should be capitalized when referring to the sport in general.
Yes, Roman goddess names should be capitalized as they are proper nouns.
No, "should" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.
Yes, the word "Evangelical" should be capitalized when referring to the Evangelical Christian movement or tradition.
That is the exact same word just typed twice, the only difference is that one is capitalized and one is not. This probably means that the sentence would start with tradition and that is why one was capitalized.
No, except at the beginning of a sentence because it is n ot a proper n ou n. It should be ---America n culture.
Anytime you are referring to the holiday or the tradition, Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day are always capitalized. Examples: Will you be working the Thanksgiving Day holiday? I bought a Thanksgiving floral arrangement for my mother. There are a few instances when the word thanksgiving is not capitalized. If the use does not refer to the holiday or the Thanksgiving tradition, it is not capitalized. For example: Will you please offer a prayer of thanksgiving?
Have should be capitalized if it is the beginning of a sentence. Summer should not be capitalized.
It should only be capitalized if it forms part of a title.
Yes, it should be capitalized.
Yes it should be capitalized.
As an abbreviation it should be capitalized.
Yes it should always be capitalized.
Yes it should be capitalized.
The first 'c' should be capitalized.