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Words with Long /i/ sound spelled as "Y" and its in the second letter to a word encyclopedia dynasty hypothesis hygiene

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10mo ago

The second last letter being "y" could indicate that the word is likely a noun or an adjective. There are numerous words that fit this criterion, so it's difficult to provide an exact number without more context.

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There are many, but here are some examples:bagelbastebatchbathecabincachecamelcatchcaterdaddydailydairydaisydandyeagerearnseartheaselfablefacetfaintfaithfavorgablegaudygaugegaunthabithaikuharshhaunthavenjadedjauntjazzykaputkarmakayakkazoolabellaborladenlatchlatermacawmachomajormarchmarshmasonmatchnachonaivenakednannynastynavelpaganpagerpaperparchpastepatchpavedradarrabbirabidradioradonranchrazorsabersablesaintsaladsatinsavedsavortabletabootacittallytangotardytarryvaguevalidvalorvaluevalvevaporwagerwaferwaivewastewatchwaterwavedyachtyards

What is the second commonest letter in English language?

The second most common letter in the English language is "e." It is found in many common words and occurs frequently in everyday writing.

How many words have the letter L?

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Why does the last letter of a Latin prefix change in some words?

you people ask too many questions

What are all the words that begin with the letter Q?

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What Scrabble words have U as the second last letter?

Far too many to list: true, blue, bub, accrue, acetous, curious, infamous are a few. Use a crossword solver to find more (see links below).

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