you know you love me is translated 'tu sais que tu m'aimes' in French.
'tu ne sais pas' means 'you don't know' in French. It can be said in an interrogative way (don't you know?). The form 'tu sais pas' exists in familiar, spoken language, but is not grammatically correct.
Je sais que tu me veux
tu as mon amie would be you are my friend and je t'aime is i like you :D
The verb "sais" in French is the first person singular form of the verb "savoir," which means "to know" in English.
veux-tu être mon ami / amieVoulez vous coucher avec moi, sais soir?
"tu sais Maman" means "Mum, you know"
"Tu sais pas" means "You do not know" in English.
you know you love me is translated 'tu sais que tu m'aimes' in French.
'tu ne sais pas' means 'you don't know' in French. It can be said in an interrogative way (don't you know?). The form 'tu sais pas' exists in familiar, spoken language, but is not grammatically correct.
je sais comment tu te sens, je sais ce que tu ressens
Je sais que tu me veux
You know how to say these numbers in French, yes/no
'tu ne sais plus ce que tu veux dire' means 'you don't remember what you wanted to say'
Tu sais que tu y penses
Tu sais tout
"Do you know?" is a literal English equivalent of the French present indicative question Sais-tu? The pronunciation will be "seh-tyoo" in French.