Arabic, Latin, and various languages of the indigenous peoples of the Iberian Peninsula (such as Basque and Celtiberian) have all influenced the Spanish language. Arabic influence is particularly notable due to the centuries-long presence of the Moors in Spain.
Spanish creole refers to a creole language that has evolved from a mixture of Spanish and other languages. It is typically spoken in areas where Spanish colonization occurred, influencing the development of a distinct creole language. These languages often incorporate elements from indigenous languages, African languages, and other languages present in the region.
Spanish belongs to the Romance language group, which evolved from Latin. Other languages in this group include French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
"Danika" in Spanish is "Danika." It is a name that is not commonly translated or adapted into other languages.
Kennel in other languages: French: Chenil Spanish: Perrera German: Zwinger Italian: Canile
Portuguese is the language that is most similar to Spanish. Both languages are Romance languages with similar vocabulary and grammar, making it easier for Spanish speakers to understand and learn Portuguese compared to other languages.
Spanish creole refers to a creole language that has evolved from a mixture of Spanish and other languages. It is typically spoken in areas where Spanish colonization occurred, influencing the development of a distinct creole language. These languages often incorporate elements from indigenous languages, African languages, and other languages present in the region.
in spanish it is libertio
Infierno, spanish
Spanish belongs to the Romance language group, which evolved from Latin. Other languages in this group include French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
American English and Mexican Spanish are the most common languages in California. There are Asian languages but they are not as common as the other two languages.
type it in on spanish dict and listen to it
"Danika" in Spanish is "Danika." It is a name that is not commonly translated or adapted into other languages.
Kennel in other languages: French: Chenil Spanish: Perrera German: Zwinger Italian: Canile
Easy english but she know other languages like spanish
If you mean the "romance languages", then they are French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
Spanish is the most widely spoken language in Chihuahua. Other languages include;O'odhamHuarijioTarahumara (also called Rarámuri ra'ícha)
Jerrissa is a name and therefore does not have a translation to other languages.