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The suffix that indicates that the word is describing a cell is "-cyte." This suffix is commonly used in Biology to refer to different types of cells, such as erythrocyte (red blood cell) or leukocyte (white blood cell).

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Q: Name the suffix that indicates that the word is describing a cell?
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When NAME displays in a cell you may have?

The #NAME? error indicates the formula references something that Excel does not recognise. It could be the name of function that does exist, which often happens when the user spells the name of a function incorrectly. It could be a cell reference that does not exist. It could be looking for a defined name for a cell or a range that does not exist.

Indicates a cell is using a name Excel does not recognize?

The error code for a name Excel does not recognize is #NAME?.For example, if you enter =totals in a cell, and totals has not been configured as a name, you will see the #NAME?error message.To get rid of the error message, just change the cell contents to something Excel can recognize.

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