Some examples of words with the prefix "sys" include: system, systematic, synergy, and symbiosis.
equilateral, equilibrium, equinox, equivalence
There is a very long list of words with the prefix ad. Some of the common ones include adjacent, adjective, advantage, advent, adorn, address, and adore.
Great! Feel free to list the words starting with the prefix "anti-" that you would like me to help define or provide more information on.
See the related link for a list with OVER 1,500 words starting with the prefix IN.
Yes, spec is a prefix. See the related question for a list of words beginning with this prefix.
Bio- means life......and some words areBiologyBiographyBio hazard
periphery periscope perimeter
Mircro is the prefix for small. Some words are microscope, microfilm, microvolt, mircrometer, microcard, etc.
Some examples of words with the prefix "sys" include: system, systematic, synergy, and symbiosis.
bibliography, bibliophile, bibliopole. YAY!!
as a prefix, it means "around." For instance, "circumnavigate the world" means to navigate around the world.
tripodtricycletrialtripletriathlontriangletriptricktricycle, triceratops, triathalon, tripod.