No, 'tion' is not a word in English; 'tion' is a suffix that is added to the end of a verb to form a noun, for example:
Adding the suffix -tion to a word typically turns it into a noun. For example, adding -tion to the verb "create" creates the noun "creation."
The word "inspect" can be changed to a noun by adding "-tion" to the end, resulting in "inspection."
The suffix "-tion" is commonly used to create a noun when added to a word. For example, the verb "communicate" becomes the noun "communication" when "-tion" is added.
The word "reduce" changes to "reduction" when adding the suffix -tion.
The suffix "-tion" typically creates a noun when added to a word. For example, "act" becomes "action" when the suffix "-tion" is added.
Adding the suffix -tion to a word typically turns it into a noun. For example, adding -tion to the verb "create" creates the noun "creation."
The word "inspect" can be changed to a noun by adding "-tion" to the end, resulting in "inspection."
The suffix "-tion" is commonly used to create a noun when added to a word. For example, the verb "communicate" becomes the noun "communication" when "-tion" is added.
It is a noun, as are almost all words with the -tion suffix.
The word "reduce" changes to "reduction" when adding the suffix -tion.
The suffix "-tion" typically creates a noun when added to a word. For example, "act" becomes "action" when the suffix "-tion" is added.
If a word ends with -tion or -sion, than it is a noun. Therefore, conclusion is a noun.
Adding -tion to the end of a word, usually a verb, changes it into a noun. Preparation is the act of preparing, and imagination is the act of imagining.
The suffix "-tion" usually changes a word into a noun form. It is commonly used to turn a verb into a noun denoting action or process, such as "create" becoming "creation." This suffix often signifies the result or outcome of the action described by the original verb.
To add "-tion" to a verb to create a noun form, you typically remove the verb ending and replace it with "-tion." For example, "communicate" becomes "communication" or "celebrate" becomes "celebration."
trans = across port = carry tion = noun
The suffix for "populate" is "-tion", which forms the noun "population".