The word "hiring" consists of two syllables.
The world's longest word, which is the chemical name for titin, has 189,819 letters and 189,819 syllables. It would take over 3 hours to say the entire word out loud.
In the word "desperate," the stressed syllable is "des" and the unstressed syllables are "per" and "ate." Stressed syllables are pronounced with more emphasis and are typically longer and louder than unstressed syllables.
There are three syllables in the word syllables.
Comparative - wider Superlative - widest Comparative, you add -er to a word with up to two syllables, or you add 'more' if it's 3 syllables or more. Superlative you add -est to a word with two syllables or less, or you add 'most' to a word if it's 3 syllables or more.
The word happy has six letters and two syllables. The syllables of the word are hap-py.
18 syllables, 49 letters
The word letter has two syllables!
It contains only 2 syllables: Bra...and....zil. A syllable can contain more then 2 letters
The word fake has only one syllables. You can not divide the word into more than one syllable.
The answer is chocolate.
The word "hiring" consists of two syllables.
There are two syllables in the word "Matthew" (Matthew has three letters, but two syllables: Mat-thew).
The word scout has only one syllable. You can not divide the word into more than a single syllable.