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Why would you have no year? April 27, 1995.

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Yes, you typically add a comma after a date even if the year is not provided for clarity and readability. For example, "I will see you on June 30, at 3:00 PM."

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Q: Is there a comma after a date with no year?
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Does a comma go after the year of a date?

The comma goes between the day and the month and between the number and the year: Wednesday, June 5, 2012.

Is there a comma between a month and year?

Yes, in date formats with the month and year (e.g., December 2021), a comma is typically used between the month and the year.

Do you put a comma after the year of the sentence continues?

No, you don't put it after the year, but you put it after the date.

Is it proper to use a comma to separate a month and year?

Yes, it is proper to use a comma to separate a month and year in a date format, such as January 2022.

Do you enter a comma before the word which but also after a date?

A comma is generally used before "which" in non-restrictive clauses, but not when it introduces a restrictive clause. As for dates, it is common to include a comma after the year when it is followed by additional information in a sentence.

When you type a date like January 8 1947 in a sentence do you put a comma after the year?

Yes, you would generally place a comma after the year in a date like "January 8, 1947." This helps to separate the date from the rest of the sentence for clarity and proper punctuation.

Do you always use a comma after a year?

No, a comma is not always required after a year. It depends on the sentence structure and style guide you are following. In general writing, it is more common to see a comma after a year if it is part of a complete date (e.g., "January 1, 2022").

Do you put a comma after the year in a sentence?

Yes, a comma should be placed after the year in a sentence when the date is followed by additional information. For example: "He was born on December 3, 1990, in New York."

Is there a comma after today?

Yes, there should be a comma after "today" if the sentence continues with another clause or if it is part of a date written in month-day-year format.

What is a comma used for in dates?

A comma is typically used in dates when writing out the date in month-day-year format to separate the day from the year. For example, "May 31, 2022."

When would you use the th after a date in a business letter or would you add a comma and year instead?

If it is a business letter, don't use the th; use the comma and year. That way it is absolutely clear.

Should you put a comma after a date in a sentence?

It is not necessary to put a comma after a date in a sentence. However, if the date is followed by additional information that could be set off by commas, then a comma may be appropriate for clarity or emphasis.