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It can be:

They saw us.

Or it could be an indirect object:

They gave us the book.

It depends on the sentence.

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2mo ago

No, the word "us" is not a direct object. "Us" is a pronoun that can be used as an indirect object or an object of a preposition, but it cannot be a direct object.

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The word "us" is an object pronoun. Example: She drove us there. In the sentence above, "us" is used as the direct object.

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No, the word "note" is not a direct object. In the sentence, it can function as either a noun or a verb but not a direct object. A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb.

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The direct object is 'the lake'; the indirect object is 'us'.

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Is us a indirect object?

It might be, but you can't tell without seeing how it is used in the sentence. Us is an object, but it can be either an indirect object or a direct object, depending on context. For example, in "Tell us a story", us is an indirect object. But in "They robbed us", us is a direct object.

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The indirect object specifies the thing or person to which the direct object applies."The manager showed us his latest award." (direct object is "award")"He gave us nice Christmas presents." (direct object is "presents")

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If the word "writing" is used as a noun, then it can be a direct object. Without a complete sentence, "writing" is just a word. Example: He enjoys writing. (direct object of the verb "enjoys")

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The word suitcase is a noun and can be used as a direct object in a sentence. For example you could say: "Please give the suitcase to John." In that sentence "the suitcase" is the direct object and John is the indirect object.

Is decorate a direct object?

No. The word "decorate" can only be used as a verb, and never a direct object.

Is the word noise a direct object?

No, the word "noise" is not a direct object. In a sentence, the direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. "Noise" can be a subject, but it is not a direct object.

Which word in the sentence is a direct object?

In the sentence, the direct object is the word that receives the action of the verb. It typically answers the question "what" or "whom."