Yes and no. It a version of the latin Cornelius. In latin the plural of Cornelius is Cornelli, which became Cornely.
The last name Saia is of Italian origin.
The last name Cefalo is of Italian origin.
No, "Tarapilli" is not a common Italian last name. It does not appear in databases of common Italian surnames.
No, 'Trevino' is not an Italian name. It is a Spanish surname.
No, Flaherty is not an Italian last name. It is typically of Irish origin.
Nicolas Cornely's birth name is Nicolas Philippe Marc Cornely.
Yes, "Babini" is an Italian last name.
Karl Josef Rudolph Cornely was born in 1830.
Nicolas Cornely was born on January 14, 1977, in Brussels, Belgium.
Karl Josef Rudolph Cornely died in 1908.
The last name Saia is of Italian origin.
The last name Cefalo is of Italian origin.
No, "Tarapilli" is not a common Italian last name. It does not appear in databases of common Italian surnames.
No, 'Trevino' is not an Italian name. It is a Spanish surname.
I believe it's Italian. My friend is full Italian, and has that last name.
The Italian last name Coronato means the word crown
Regina as a last name in Italian means "queen" in English.