The French word for bed, "lit," is masculine.
In French, "lit" is masculine.
The prefix "lit" means "to burn or illuminate." It is derived from the Latin word "littera," meaning letter. In modern usage, "lit" is often associated with excitement or intensity.
In French, 78 is spelled as "soixante-dix-huit."
The French word for bed, "lit," is masculine.
In French, "lit" is masculine.
"French lit" is an abbreviation for "French literature," which refers to literary works written in the French language. This term encompasses a wide range of writings, including novels, poems, plays, and essays by French authors.
le lit = the bed
"Single bed" is an English equivalent of the French phrase lit simple. The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase -- which may be preceded by the masculine singular definite (le, "the") or indefinite (un, "a, an") articles -- will be "lee sehmp" in more northerly French and "lee sehm-pluh" in more southerly French.
le lit
un lit
Un lit (masc.) is a bed in English.
"To wet the bed" is an English equivalent of the French phrase mouiller le lit. The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase in the present infinitive -- which refers to the bedwetting stage in childhood -- will be "mwee-yey luh lee" in French.
J'ai un bon lit
"To make the bed" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Faire le lit.Specifically, the present infinitive faire is "to do, to make". The masculine singular definite article le means "the". The masculine noun littranslates as "bed".The pronunciation will be "fer luh lee" in French.
A bed is 'un lit' in French.