"Femme" in French is a feminine noun, as it refers to a woman.
In French, "happy" is translated as "heureux" for masculine and "heureuse" for feminine.
in french language depending masculine or feminine let's have a look to this exemple : french woman : femme française french man : homme français french women : femmes françaises french men : hommes français hope this help
The feminine of "un homme" is "une femme."
"Le" and "La" are used in French to indicate the gender of nouns. "Le" is used with masculine singular nouns and "La" is used with feminine singular nouns. For example, "Le chien" (the dog) uses "Le" because "chien" is masculine, while "La maison" (the house) uses "La" because "maison" is feminine.
"Femme" in French is a feminine noun, as it refers to a woman.
In French, "happy" is translated as "heureux" for masculine and "heureuse" for feminine.
'active' is the feminine form of the adjective. Ex: une femme active (an active woman). The masculine form is 'actif' : un garçon actif (an active boy)
"My woman" is an English equivalent of the French phrase "ma femme."Specifically, the feminine possessive adjective "ma" means "my." The feminine noun "femme" means "woman, wife." The pronunciation is "mah fahm."
ennuyeux (masculine) or ennuyeuse (feminine) (pronounced on-we-yer/ on-we -yers) eg un homme ennuyeux ou une femme ennuyeuse
It reflects the same gender as the noun it is describing. Un homme gentil. Gentil is masculine, as is homme. Une femme gentille. Gentille is feminine, as is femme. There is no way of knowing if a noun is M or F, except in rare cases. However, adjectives can USUALLY be determined. Sometimes, however, they remain the same for both M and F.
in french language depending masculine or feminine let's have a look to this exemple : french woman : femme française french man : homme français french women : femmes françaises french men : hommes français hope this help
"Femme avec un coeur" is a French equivalent of the English phrase "woman with a heart."Specifically, the feminine noun "femme" means "woman." The preposition "avec" means "with." The masculine singular definite article "un" means "a, one." The masculine noun "coeur" means "heart."The pronunciation is "fah-mah-veh-keh-kuhr."
It's the word for a woman in French. It is related to feminine.
Belle femme is a French equivalent of 'beautiful wife'. The feminine adjective 'belle' means 'beautiful'. The feminine noun 'femme' means 'wife, woman'. Together, they're pronounced 'behl fahm.
"un" or, of course, UNE, which is feminine. UN is masculine. This has nothing to do with sex. masculine and feminine are purely grammatical terms, referring to GENDER, which is also purely grammatical. So Un Homme (a man) is masculine; but so is 'un livre' - a book. 'Une femme' - a woman - is feminine, but so is 'une table' - a table - and 'une livre' - a pound (weight). the word 'bébé' (baby) is masculine always, regardless of the sex of the baby.
"The beautiful woman" is an English equivalent of the French phrase "la belle femme."Specifically, the feminine singular definite article "la" means "the." The feminine adjective "belle" means "beautiful, handsome." The feminine noun "femme" means "woman."The pronunciation is "lah behl fahm."