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The word 'swiftly' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb. Some examples:

We ran swiftly to the bus stop, just in time to wave good-bye as the bus sped away.

The kids swiftly made their bed because they could smell bacon and pancakes.

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2mo ago

"Swiftly" is an adverb, as it describes how an action is being performed. It indicates the speed or pace at which something is done.

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Swiftly - verb noun adjective adverb?

To make this easier, let's put "swiftly into a sentence:The trees moved swiftly with the grace of the wind.First we need to know what verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs are:A noun is a person, place, or thing. "Swiftly" is not any of these. The nouns in this sentence are "trees", "grace", and "wind."A verb is the action of the noun/pronoun, or what the noun/pronoun is doing. "Moved" is the verb in this sentence, because the trees are completing the action of moving. So "swiftly" is not a verb.An adjective is something that describes the noun. There are no adjectives in this sentence because the "trees", "grace", and "wind" are not being described.An adverb is a word that describes the verb, usually ending in -ly. Aha! The -ly rule should automatically give you your answer. "Swiftly" is an adverb. Also, the word "swiftly" describes how the trees are moving, and it even comes right after the verb. Therefore, "swiftly" is an adverb.

Is show verb adverb or adjective?

Verb, noun, and adjective, but not adverb.

Is plunge an adjective noun adverb or verb?

The word plunge can be a noun or a verb. It is not an adjective or adverb.

Does an adjective describe a verb and an adverb describes a noun?

No. An adjective describes a noun and an adverb describes a verb.

An adjective describes a verb and an adverb describes a noun?

An adjective describes a verb, and an adverb describes a noun

Is brief an adverb verb adjective or noun?

"brief" can function as an adjective, noun, or verb.

Does an adjective or adverb modify a verb?

An adverb modifies a verb. An adjective modifies a noun.

What are the verb noun adjective adverb forms of repetition?

The verb is repeat.

Is during a noun adverb verb or adjective?

it is an adverb!:)

What are the verb noun adjective adverb forms of some words custom?

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Large fish swim swiftly in the sea - what is each word?

Large fish swim swiftly in the sea.Adjective noun verb adverb preposition article noun. The parts of speech for the sentence are:Large = adjective describing the noun = is a noun, the subject of the sentence.swim = verbswiftly = adverb modifying the verb swim.sea = noun, object of the preposition the sea = adverbial prepositional phrase, modifying the verb swim.

What are the verb noun adjective adverb forms of beautiful?

verb-beatify noun-beauty adjective-beautiful adverb-beautifully