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No, oppressive is an adjective. The corresponding noun is oppression.

Someone who is oppressive is an oppressor.

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15y ago
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9mo ago

No, "oppressive" is not a noun. It is an adjective used to describe something that is harsh, cruel, or burdensome.

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11y ago

Yes the word oppression is a noun. It is a common noun.

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Q: Is oppressive a noun
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What part of speech is oppressive?

Oppression is an abstact noun.

Is the word oppressive a verb?

No, the word oppressive is an adjective, a word that describes a noun: an oppressive atmosphere.The verb is to oppress: A government can oppress its people only so long before they rebel.

Is oppression an adverb?

No, it is not. It is a noun. The adjective form is oppressive and the adverb form is oppressively.

What is the oppressive?

The noun forms of the verb to oppress are oppressor, oppression, and the gerund, oppressing.

What is the noun for oppress?

The noun forms for the verb to opress are opressor, oppression, and the gerund, opressing.The adjective form for the verb to opress is oppressive; the noun form is opressiveness.

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The noun 'burden' is an abstract noun as a word for something hard to bear; something oppressive or worrisome; a word for a concept.The noun 'burden' is a concrete noun as a word for a load that is carried; a word for a physical thing.

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Yes, "liberty" is a noun. It refers to the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions or control imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

Is the tyranny a abstract nouns?

Yes, the word 'tyranny' is an abstract noun, a word for an oppressive government or harsh behaviour or use of authority.

What is the suffix for oppressive?

The suffix for oppressive is -ive.

What is the Suffix of oppressive?

The suffix of "oppressive" is "-ive."

Sentence with the word oppressive?

My father is too oppressive. My family is very oppressive. There's 2 of them.

What isc the meaning of oppressive?

Unreasonably burdensome; unjustly severe, rigorous, or harsh; as, oppressive taxes; oppressive exactions of service; an oppressive game law., Using oppression; tyrannical; as, oppressive authority or commands., Heavy; overpowering; hard to be borne; as, oppressive grief or woe.