Female...the male version would be Denis.....
In French, "Michele" can be both a male or female name. When spelled "Michèle" with an accent, it is typically a female name, and when spelled "Michel" without an accent, it is commonly a male name.
Guadalupe can be a male or female name. In Spanish-speaking cultures, Guadalupe is commonly a female name referring to the Virgin of Guadalupe. However, it can also be a male name in certain contexts.
Yes, "obrigado" can be used for male speakers and "obrigada" for female speakers.
Larissa is typically a female name.
un lit ( a bed) is male un is male une is female le is male la is female "les" can be both ( les is plural form for "the" )
oso panda - lit. panda bear. (male)osa panda - " (female)
Female female male male female Male male male female Male male female
sexuality is not binary (male/female) it is a wide continuous spectrum from male (psyche) with male parts (anatomy) over male with female parts to female with male parts and female with female parts and even male & female psyches with male and female anatomy!
Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)Lion: cubs (for both male and female)Tiger: cubs (for both male and female)
Male or female
Male writers are male, and female writers are female.
Bulbasaur Male: Lonely Female: Docile Charmander Male: Docile Female: Brave Squirtle Male: Quirky Female: Bold Pikachu Male: Brave Female: Hasty Meowth Male: Sassy Female: Relaxed Chikorita Male: Calm Female: Quiet Cyndaquil Male: Timid Female: Calm Totodile Male: Jolly Female: Sassy Treecko Male: Quiet Female: Hardy Torchic Male: Hasty Female: Rash Mudkip Male: Rash Female: Lonely Skitty Male: Hasty Female: Naive Turtwig Male: Bold Female: Timid Chimchar Male: Naive Female: Impish Piplup Male: Impish Female: Quirky Munchlax Male: Relaxed Female: Jolly
All bulls are male. Cows are female, mostly.
A goose is female, a gander is a male.
Whether or not you can have male and female ocicats, male and female toygers, male and female boxers and a male and female doberman will depend on where you live. There are rules as to how many pets can be in one home in many places. It will also depend on how much money you have. It will be expensive to care for so many pets.