No, "intacted" is not a word. The correct term is "intact."
The meaning of the word intact is that an object or a living being is undamaged and in perfect conditions. It is also related to virginity and purity.
Hipbone is one word.
"Hardworking" is one word.
Starfish is one word.
Intact is not a compound word.
Intact means unbroken, in one unit.
The adjective meaning in one piece or undamaged is intact- one word rather than two.
There is no word intacked. The spelling is intact(undamaged, unbroken).
intact is a dumb word
Despite the long fall, the toy was still intact. She had kept the room intact, exactly as he left it.
Make sure the drawer stays intact! Don't break anything, when I get back it better be intact. The house better be intact when I get back!
No, "intacted" is not a word. The correct term is "intact."
He left with his dignity intact.Luckily, the vase was still intact.
Intact means unbroken, in one unit.
together : intact