Goodbye = Adiós See you soon = Hasta luego/Hasta la vista
Adiós Hasta la vista Hasta luego Hasta la próxima Hasta mañana Chau Para siempre I'm sure there are many more slang ways of saying goodbye, but these are the main 7 I can think of.
AdiΓ³s Hasta luego Nos vemos Hasta pronto Que te vaya bien
'Hasta la vista' is a Spanish phrase that translates to "until we see each other again" or "goodbye." It gained popularity through its use in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
The equivalent phrase in French for "hasta la vista" is "au revoir".
hasta la vista
"see you" so "hasta la vista" means "see you" and then la vista means "around"
Hasta la vista is Translated from the Spanish - 'see you later'.
Hasta luego Hasta la vista
it means "see you later"
There are various versions. See 'Hasta la vista' on Wikipedia.
Adiós Hasta luego Hasta la vista Chau Hasta la próxima Hasta mañana Para siempre There are probably more
hasta luego- see you later hasta la vista- until I see you again
Goodbye = Adiós See you soon = Hasta luego/Hasta la vista
Hasta la vista = See you! (Whenever) Hasta mañana = See you tomorrow!
Adiós Hasta la vista Hasta luego Hasta la próxima Hasta mañana Chau Para siempre I'm sure there are many more slang ways of saying goodbye, but these are the main 7 I can think of.
Hasta la vista means, roughly, "until the seeing" - i.e., "goodbye until we see each other again."