The prefix for "effective" is "ef-", which comes from the Latin prefix "ex-", meaning "out of" or "from." When added to the root word "effective," which means "having the power to produce a desired result or effect," it changes the meaning to "out of or from having the power to produce a desired result or effect."
The prefix you would use with "cent" to mean center is "ec-" (as in eccentric).
The prefix for inadequate is in-. The prefix in- means not.
The prefix for include is in-. This prefix means not.
what prefix does hypothesis have? what prefix does hypothesis have?
'ef' is not a Latin root, it's a prefix, where 'ef' is a form of 'ex' only when the root begins with 'f'. Thus; ex+facies = efface ex+facere = effect ex+femina = effeminate and many more
The prefix you would use with "cent" to mean center is "ec-" (as in eccentric).
i have a ef&ef green lamp #502. how much is it worth
Jai ho! ef ef ef
My EE EF lamp is marked Chicago if that is any help.yes
EF Concepción was created in 1976.
If you meant "element" as in a chemical element, there is no element with the symbol "ef" in the periodic table.
Yes, you can. Any EF and EF-S lens will work on 20D.
Original Fujita scale developed in 1951. Recategorized in 2007, as follows: Enhanced Fujita Scale: EF-065-85mph EF-1 86-110mph EF-2 111-135mph EF-3 136-165mph EF-4 166-200 EF-5 >200 mph