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A word or term that is overused is known as a "cliché." These are expressions or ideas that have been used so frequently that they have lost their originality or impact. Oftentimes, clichés are avoided in writing and speech to maintain originality and clarity.

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Q: Is a word or term that is overused?
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What Word or term that is overused?

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A thesaurus is used to find and insert a synonym for an overused word.

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if you are looking for a term: a cliche

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The "F" word is overused for a number of reasons. Swear words or curse words have a special place in all languages. They are used to express a wide variety of emotions from anger to happiness. They add extra emphasis to any statement. As arguably the premier curse word in the English language, this word gets special attention paid to it.

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Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Texting online.

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How do you spell klesha?

The word meaning "an overused phrase" is spelt cliché.

When was Overused created?

Overused was created in 2000.

What does clache mean?

The word cliche is an English word referring to something that is obvious or trite in nature. The word can also be used to mean a word that is overused.

What does overused mean?

overused means its used too much or too often

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The general consensus is that yes, antibiotics are being overused on animals.