No, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. French is spoken by a significant number of people, but it is not the most spoken language globally.
The official language spoken in Montserrat is English.
The main language spoken in Manihi is French.
The main languages spoken in Bretagne (Brittany) are French and Breton. French is the official language, while Breton is a Celtic language that is spoken by a minority of the population.
No, French is not widely spoken in Brazil. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese.
The official language is English, but there are pockets of French and Micmac speakers, as well as immigrants who speak their native language in addition to English.
No, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. French is spoken by a significant number of people, but it is not the most spoken language globally.
The official language spoken in Montserrat is English.
French is a language. it is spoken in France, and in many former French colonies.
French is sometimes offered in Irish schools and universities as a foreign language, but it is not a language that is spoken in Ireland.
The main language spoken in Manihi is French.
The main languages spoken in Bretagne (Brittany) are French and Breton. French is the official language, while Breton is a Celtic language that is spoken by a minority of the population.
No, French is not widely spoken in Brazil. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese.
Most often they are spoken in French.
The main language spoken in Luxembourg is Luxembourgish. French and German are also widely spoken and used in official settings.
French is not an emerging official language of Argentina. The official language of Argentina is Spanish. While French is spoken by some individuals in Argentina, it is not an official language at the national level.