Patio is a Spanish, not an Italian, word. The masculine singular noun translates as "courtyard" in English through its Latin origins either as the noun pactum ("agreement," "bargain," "pact") or the verb patere ("to lie open"). The pronunciation will be "PA-tyo" in Spanish.
The word "patio" is derived from Spanish, specifically from the Latin word "patere" meaning "to lie open." It refers to an outdoor area usually paved with stone or tiles, often used for dining or socializing.
The word "patio" comes from Spanish, stemming from the Latin word "patere," which means "to lie open."
Marito is an Italian equivalent of the Spanish word marido.Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its singular form. The Italian and the Spanish words mean "husband". The pronunciation will be "ma-REE-to" in Italian and "ma-REE-tho" in Spanish.
Hola is the Spanish equivalent of the Italian word Ciao.Specifically, the Italian and the Spanish terms are greetings. They are viewed as among the friendlier, more informal ways of exchanging "hello" amongst peers. The pronunciation will be "OH-lah" in Spanish and "tchow"* in Italian.*The sound is similar to that in the English noun "chow".
Yes, the word "patio" has been borrowed from Spanish. It originally referred to a Spanish-style courtyard or a paved outdoor area, and is now commonly used in English to describe a similar outdoor space.
The word "patio" is derived from Spanish, specifically from the Latin word "patere" meaning "to lie open." It refers to an outdoor area usually paved with stone or tiles, often used for dining or socializing.
el patio
The word "patio" comes from Spanish, stemming from the Latin word "patere," which means "to lie open."
The same, "patio" is a word from Spanish, meaning 'yard'. PATIO ['pa.tjo] [p] as in speak [a] as in Italian "amare", to love [t] as in stop [jo] as in the Italian diphthong "io", I ['] main stressed syllable [.] syllable break
The word "patio" comes from Spanish.
Patio in Spanish refers to an open area, usually flat, such as a courtyard, play area, quad, etc.
from the Spanish: patio meaning 'back garden' or 'backyard
"Patio" is a Spanish word meaning back garden.
Patio is Spanish, it means back garden or backyard. Or usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence.
The English word patio comes from Spanish patio, which means essentially the same thing.
Marito is an Italian equivalent of the Spanish word marido.Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its singular form. The Italian and the Spanish words mean "husband". The pronunciation will be "ma-REE-to" in Italian and "ma-REE-tho" in Spanish.
spanish language