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Because the movie is full of sexual innuendos, we did not bring the children.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

She gave him a knowing look, hinting at a secret they both shared but dared not speak of aloud.

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Q: In a complex sentence use innuendo?
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How would you use innuendo in a sentence?

An innuendo is a suggestion.

Can you use innuendo in a sentence?

But one should bear in mind that traditional British pantomime generally includes mild innuendo, and a pantomime dame.

How do use the word innuendo in a sentence?

An sentence for the word innuendo would be: "At the party, we heard a lot of innuendo about Obama's connection with Bill Ayers, but no one said anything directly about it, because we knew the host would get upset if we did."

How do you use innuedo in a sentence?

The author's use of innuendo in the story added a layer of mystery to the character's motives. The politician's speech was filled with innuendo, hinting at a scandal without directly stating it.

How can you use innuendo in a sentence?

Mrs.jones resented the innuendo that she had not responded quickly enough to her husband's cries for help. Also... Thankfully, our friendship has been molded through the years enough not to let a nasty innuendo crush the relationship.

How do you use taxidermist in a sentence?

The taxidermist stuffed my beloved pussy-cat. Also has bonus innuendo.

Sentence with innuendo?

I'm great at blowing... up balloons for parties!

How do you use inneundo in a sentence?

This means an insinuation, a subtle implication (usually hostile). Here are some sentences.I don't like that innuendo!His innuendo created an argument between the group members.

Can you make a sentence with the word innuendo?

I must prove he has slandered me with his gross innuendo or the judge will not award me damages.

What is a sentence using innuendo?

While Jane's speech was perfectly harmless, her body language was full of unprofessional innuendo.

Using innuendo in a sentence?

Mrs.jones resented the innuendo that she had not responded quickly enough to her husband's cries for help. Also... Thankfully, our friendship has been molded through the years enough not to let a nasty innuendo crush the relationship.

Sentence for innuendo?

The comedian's suggestive wink during the performance was a clever innuendo that had the audience laughing knowingly.