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Common Forms and Functions of Language

Abstract: The informative, expressive, and directive purposes of language are distinguished from the types of English sentences.

I. Three Basic Functions are generally noted: there is perhaps nothing more subtle than language is, and nothing has as many different uses.

A. Without a doubt, identifying just these three basic functions is an oversimplification, but an awareness of these functions is a good introduction to the complexity of language .

B. The Functions of Language (i.e., its purpose; what it does; its uses)

1. Informative language function: essentially, the communication of information.

a. The informative function affirms or denies propositions, as in science.

b. This function is used to describe the world or reason about it (e.g.., whether a state of affairs is true or false).

c. These sentences have a truth value; hence, they are important for logic.

2. Expressive language function: reports feelings or attitudes of the writer (or speaker), or of the subject, or evokes feelings in the reader (or listener).

a. Poetry is one of the best examples, but much of, perhaps most of, ordinary language discourse is the expression of emotions, feelings or attitudes.

b. Two main aspects are generally noted: (1) to evoke certain feelings and (2) to express feelings.

c. Expressive discourse, qua expressive discourse, is best regarded as neither true or false. E.g., Shakespeare's King Lear's lament, "Ripeness is all!" Even so, the nature of "fictional statements" is an interesting area of inquiry.

3. Directive language function: language used for the purpose of causing (or preventing) overt actions.

a. The directive function is most commonly found in commands and requests.

b. Directive language is not normally considered true or false (although a logic of commands have been developed).

c. Example: "Close the windows." II. It is rare for discourse just to serve only one function; even in a scientific treatise, discursive (logical) clarity is required, but, at the same time, ease of expression often demands some expression of attitudes.

A. Most ordinary kinds of discourse is mixed. Consider the following example. Suppose you want your listeners to contribute to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

B. There are several possible approaches:

1. Explain the recent breakthroughs in the scientist's understanding of the disease (informative) and then ask for a contribution (directive).

2. Make a moving appeal (expressive) and then ask for a contribution (directive).

3. Command it (directive).

4. Explain the good results (informative), make a moving appeal (expressive), and then ask (directive).

C. Several other uses of language deserve mention.

1. The ceremonial--probably something quite different from simply mixing the expressive and directive language functions.

2. Performative utterances: language which performs the action it reports. For example, "I do" in the marriage ceremony and the use of performative verbs such as "accept," "apologize," "congratulate," and "promise." These words denote an action which is performed by using the verb in the first person.

3. Phatic language: "Elevator talk" and street-corner conversations. Note the transition to behavior, as in body language.

4. Most of the examples we have been talking about are not merely of academic interest, even though we cannot take time out to trace the far reaching consequences. For example in law, when a speaker is charged "with inciting to riot," the prosecution must maintain he was using the directive language function, while the defense will probably argue that the speaker was only expressing his feelings. III. The Forms of Language (types of sentences) and the dangers of identifying form with function in the use of language.

A. Much discourse serves all three functions--one cannot always identify the form with the function. Consider this chart for the following possibilities.

Usual Function /

Sentence Type




assertion /


The room is cool. I had a nice time. I would like some coffee. question /


But isn't this room 222A? Isn't that great? Don't you want to help me? command /

imperative /

Read pages 1-10 for the test. Have a nice day. Shut the windows. exclamation /


The universe is bounded1 I'm really glad! It's late!

B. The importance of the differentiation of functions is the correct evaluation of a passage requires a knowledge of the functions relevant to the situation.

1. A person who says to the waiter, "I would like a cup of coffee," is not just reporting a psychological state of affairs. I.e., it would be inappropriate for the waiter to respond with, "Speaking of things I would like, how about a BMW?"

2. Other things being equal, a Biology text is predominately informative, a novel is predominately expressive, but a logic or mathematics text is directive.

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Language serves multiple functions, including communication, expression of thoughts and emotions, maintaining social relationships, and preserving cultural heritage. Communication allows individuals to share information and ideas, while expression enables people to convey personal experiences and feelings. Language also plays a crucial role in building and strengthening social bonds, as well as preserving and transmitting knowledge across generations.

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What language do all airline pilots on international flights identify themselves in what language?

Pilots on international flights typically identify themselves in English, as it is the universal language used in aviation communications. This helps ensure clear and effective communication between pilots and air traffic control, regardless of their native language.

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According to linguist W. P. Robinson, the functions of language are marking emotional states, personalities, social identity, and relationships, as well as regulating social encounters and identifying social class. These functions were outlined in his 1972 book Language and Social Behavior.

What are the components and functions of a language?

The components of a language are phonology (sounds), morphology (word structure), syntax (sentence structure), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (language use in context). The functions of a language include communication, expression of thoughts and feelings, social interaction, and cognitive development.

Which of the follwing is true of the functions that language can serve?

Language can serve various functions, including communication, expressing emotions, conveying information, influencing others, and building social connections. It can also be used for persuasion, storytelling, problem-solving, and creative expression. Ultimately, the functions of language are diverse and can vary depending on the context and purpose of communication.

What are the systemic function of language?

The systemic functions of language refer to the ways in which language serves different purposes within a society. These functions include communication, social interaction, expressing identity and culture, influencing attitudes and behaviors, and preserving knowledge and history. Language also plays a role in organizing thought and facilitating cognitive processes.

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